In case you haven't heard, my cushy government job with NOAA/NMFS is terminating on Friday because my one-year contract has expired and Alaska fishing has taken a downturn. But it turns out that Friday is also my flex-day and so on my final day of work I am being paid not to work. Love it. A fitting way to "transition". I'm not worried. I should be, I guess, but I have worked so many part-time and seasonal jobs over the past few years that it seems just like business as usual. Should I admit that I'm a bit relieved? I will get more Kian-time, and I'm looking forward to that, although being a stay at home daddy or haus frau while Annie is at school will likely be harder than I can imagine. And its not just changing diapers and the other baby chores, but the mental side of being at home. Thank god for the chariot and the Bike-Gilman Trail.

and the F/V Vaerdal (one of my in-season advising vessels).