While Mommy was out doing important things, Kian and daddy took a Chariot stroll over to Greenlake to enjoy the stupendous morning. I packed a ball, a coffee, my camera, and we did the trail thing until we stopped to play. We played here at this spot, and right nearby was a dock that we walked out on and watched the ducks. Then, as you can see, we spotted a giant duck, otherwise known as a goose. Kian kept his distance, good instincts. I tried keeping up with the little guy, he was sure in a hurry and very indecisive about where he was going. On the way home we hit the kiddie park at the other end of the lake, which was packed, but where we did the swing, the slide, the sand, and then Kian got shoved by this little girl and he stood there stunned for awhile. Its a hard knock life, Kiki.

Quick Daddy, hand me your phone. And then he
made what must have been a very important call.

This place is packed!