Wednesday, November 10, 2010


We bought a high quality juicer a few weeks ago and justified it by being able to stuff all those good healthy veggies that Kian won't usually eat straight into his gullet through a quick shot of tasty juice. It took us awhile to get the recipe right: he didn't like the strong snap of ginger, the bitter bite of lemon or celery, or the strange funk of spinach or other leafy greens, at least not without the sweet additives of apple, orange, and carrot. Here he is this very morning enjoying the simple pleasure of a fresh extraction.

Breathe, Kian, breathe....

Still mulling the taste over on his pallet: the verdict, Kian?

Oh yeah, he likes it!

In celebration of Movember: a superfood stache!


Monday, November 8, 2010

More More Mud!

"More mud" was Kian's slogan for the day -- we think he heard the announcer or a passing racer say it, and it became his mantra as he rode laps through all the deepest, dirtiest mud holes. A bunch of the Team Soulsport gang rallied down south for the race and the weather was perfect for NW CX: muddy, chilly but clear and sunny with 2-3 wild rain squalls which kept the mud fresh and the puddles full.

Just put the mud right here.

Presiding over the action.

The RV's parked belly to belly for maximum awning coverage.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Cut

Kian's bronzed buddies.

I think it was shaping up to be a big lazy rainy Saturday in October, but after a big lazy rainy day breakfast we decided to rally and get out for some fun. We started at the zoo where we caught most of Kian's favorite attactions: elephants, orangutangs, all kinds of monkeys, the meerkats hippos penguins and giraffes. Then on the way home I offered to pay for Kian's first haircut if they'd let me (but I had to counter-offer to pay for cupcakes at Trophy too)-- he's hair was getting unruly and at 2 Kian decided that he was ready for a new look, an image changer.

Monkeyin' around!

Pick out a chair: Kian chose the boat, but
hmmm... that tractor looks nice too.

Pick out a toy: yep, a train.

A couple squirts, a couple clips, no problem...

Then all of a sudden...

Icing on the cupcake: helped Kian to deal with the loss
of his locks. Helped mommy deal too.