Kian is amazing us DAILY! He's heading towards three -- yeah, 3 years old -- and he's blowing us away with his amazing little brain. His vocabulary, and even his grammar, is pretty incredible. He's probably not ahead of other toddlers his age but its a phenomenal occurrence nonetheless. Lots of energy, lots of curiosity, and we can engage him at so many levels now that its so much fun.

Here are a few pics we took last weekend on a short but sweet cycling jaunt up into the San Juan islands. We drove the RV up to Anacortes one evening where we had a Tortuga dinner, then spent the evening playing around the Marina: walking the docks and checking out boats, and riding our bikes in the vast grass and plethora of trails. Next morning we boarded a boat for Lopez where we hung out for two days, riding, hitting the pool, and... maybe the pics should tell the rest of the story.