Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Season's Payoff: We're Superbowl Bound!

Well, the Seahawks and my sister are Superbowl bound, not Kian or I.  But we're ecstatic just the same and we will be close to home when the Seahawks win.  We're making up our contingency plans now for how we'll celebrate if... WHEN they win!  Maybe we'll storm the field... Centurylink Field.

Last weekend, errr, two weekends ago (49ers weekend) we watched the game with friends after downhill skiing at The Pass all morning. Wow, what a day up there, I'd forgotten how nice and sunny it was. 

 Geared up and ready to get after it.

Great day: a little thin on the snow side of things but on 
football days the lines are short and runs are ours!

 Post-game we stopped by the stadium on our way home since it was en route.

All was quiet right here at the stadium, but just around the corner on 1st Ave things were going off, it was crazy.  Kian wanted to check it out and after about 500 high fives to drunk Seahawks fans he was ready to call the celebrations a night.

Go Hawks!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Up Early, Late To Work

One Friday morning very very early/late I lay awake and hatched a brilliant plan: move my alarm forward to 545am and hit Snoqualmie Nordic on opening day and still have time to be at work by midday.  Well, thats one way to assure that I wasn't going to get back to sleep, but I otherwise pulled off my plan as I'd dreamed up.  And not only that, I skied well above the fogline which had kept Seattle socked-in for days.  Here's a bit of proof!

 Perfect tracks... there are fewer than ever imagined for this time of year
but the first ones across that corduroy were mine!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Another Weekend of Skiing and Football

On Saints weekend we did the same thing except we stayed up on the mountain to watch the game there at a restaurant/pub.  Skiing was fun, Kian rocked it, and the runs and lifts were all wide open. 


 Oh yeah, bring on the 9ers!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

End of Christmas Vaca but Start of NW Ski Season

 Finally, winter is here!

Well, sorta.  There is just enough snow right now to ski but if the weather goes the wrong way we'll be back on bike way sooner than expected.  Alas, the winter storms are here now and in the city that means rain, but its worth it because 45 and rainy means more puffy white stuff just up the pass.  

Kian was excited to be back at it: day #1 this season. Although he was hoping for downhill skiing.

 And sledding on the final day of Christmas vacation made it easier to swallow.

Kiki's heritage project that we'd had all vacation to get done but waited until Sunday to assemble the finishing touches.  The kilt is based upon our Scottish clan's hunting tartan, the belt buckle is the Royal Scottish Emblem (Lion Rampart), and the face is of royal Scottish lineage: Kian Conrad Reid, afterall!

Trying on the new ski kit: helmet, boots and mittens match, check. 
Jacket and pants ensembles all match, check!  


Woh, Belated Post (Sometime September)

A day at the zoo with a couple of Kian's old buddies from the pre-school days, Justin and Adrian.

A fearsome threesome. 
 Games and hijinks.

Touching the weasel.   

Kian won the bet.  Of course. 

The beautiful moms!

Macaroni and cheese fingers, yum!