First of all, please note: Annie and I live in a modest 2-bedroom and not only don't we have a lot of space, but we are trying to minimize the "stuff" often associated with babies. We don't want a lot of bright plastic things from toys-r-us: we are trying to keep it as simple and organic as we can. And we already have TONS of clothes!

Tubby's College Fund (see below).
Tubby's 10-year Fun Fund (aka the first bling bike fund).
We've also opened up a baby registry at Amazon.Com in the name of Ann Francis (many/most/all of the items on this list are things that we plan to get anyway and we in no way expect anyone to get for us... this is just our dreaming wish list so please don't feel compelled. A $700 baby trailer is just a bit over the top, I admit-- unless it came with deep dish carbon wheels laced with 16" tubular tires).
The College Fund: A new account has been set-up with Vanguard, currently in my name until the baby gets a name and SSN at which time the account will be rolled over into an ESA and/or 529-style education accountIf you'd like to contribute, send a check made out to "Vanguard" to:
The Vanguard Group
P.O. Box 709
Valley Forge, PA 19482
In the notes section on your check write "Fund #65, Acct #9924397955.
Wow, this baby is stoked!
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