Friday, August 15, 2008

Notes from Annie

I’ve been meaning to contribute to the conversation but needless to say, I’ve been busy!! Hope you’re enjoying the blog—it’s all thanks to Dougie. Giving birth was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It was also an amazing experience, as is each new day with this wonderful little being. He coos, chortles, sucks, clicks, and has funny mannerisms….typical newborn I guess but to me he’s a fascinating creature. I never tire of holding him and looking into his (now) cerulean eyes as they dart to and fro, with an occasional steady gaze of profound curiosity. I had a feeling our baby was a boy and the instinct was right but you never know and does it really matter? Not to me.

Currently, he’s discovered his fingers are good for sucking, especially with a coating of milk on them. His peeling skin and oddly growing nails are likened to a reptile molting. Sometimes he smiles, sort of, and it might be related to leaving us a present in his diapers……. ahhh… of the few bodily gratifications newborns have. Thankfully, Tubby is fast becoming Chubby and I’m happy to relinquish that name to him. Speaking of a name, we’re still working on it but narrowing it down. Stay tuned.

I have to heap praise and gratitude to Dougie, my mom and the rest of my birthing team, a group of beautiful women whose love and support continues to guide me. Doug and I are blessed with devoted families who are sharing this joy with us and providing incredible support. Last but certainly not least, big hugs and ‘Thanks’ go to our collective friends. We love you all and look forward to celebrating ‘life’ further. Thanks also for listening.

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