Finally, like the pictures of Loch Ness or Bigfoot, this picture proves the existence of a rare specimen that I have been touting the existence of for years: 5 rows from the top you will see "Canadiano", a drink that I have been ordering unsuccessfully in Canada for 4 or 5 years now, ever since that first one that I had in Nelson, BC many years ago. Apparently the Canadiano -- a double shot of espresso buried in a strong cup of coffee -- is making a slow but successful comback into its natural habitat and its my prediction that it won't be long before you'll find them in coffee shops everywhere.
If you blow up that shot you will notice the small sign on the left: we tried to option that threat but decided Kian was already getting enough caffeine through his milk supply keeping him happily high strung. And we've got more than enough poop to deal with as it is.
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