Kian is now, officially, a little terror. Yep, he can crawl. And I don't mean crawl like I meant it before: back then he sort of scooted and it was almost more work for him than the effort, so he still preferred rolling. No, now he crawls with conviction and is always on a mission. The house is currently under going extensive baby proofing as a result, but still, his new found mobility coupled with his strong sense of curiosity is helping him to "get into things".
I've got video and it showcases a sampling of his logic: he could have crawled thisaway or thataway, but instead he B-lined for the stack of plastic water-bottles and you can guess the rest. Anything brightly colored and shiny he loves... he's like his daddy in that regard. The brighter and the shinier the better. It can't be too bright nor shiny.

Kian isn't quite sure what to make of all this, but eventually he settled right in and unfortunately now demands the kind of loving attention that he got from his cousins Sofie and Sarah and Aunt Norma. Thanks to these guys Annie and I got to see
Merle Haggard at the Paramount. Annie won the tickets from
KBCS... actually, we both won the tickets: she made the phone call and I answered the trivia question: where was Merle born? D'uh. Great show, thanks Norma!
Then this weekend we hit the slopes for the first time since the weekend of New Years. We took a chill pill and let gravity do the work this time instead of nordic skiing. Guess we are fair weather skiers as it was a primo spring weekend.

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