Kian hopped in his chariot and I chauffeured him over to the kiddie pool at Greenlake this morning. He fell asleep on the way over so I parked it in the shade with a coffee from the cafe across the street and awaited until his royal highness woke from his slumber. Then we took a dip! He staked out a claim in the shallowest end of the pool and let no baby passeth.

Washed out chromatic shots for that artsy look.

Kian the guppyman on patrol.

"Gimme that thingy and get back across the line, baby!"

Kian won the battle but that little girl won the war: she stood up and
walked away while Kian still only crawls. Who's baby now?

Toweling off after a long session of defeding his claim, well done Kian! "Now get me naked and let's get out of here. I'm famished." And that's just what we did: he rode home naked as the day he was born and was much the happier for it.
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