Grandma's in da house! Grandpa's in da house! Aunt Barbara is in da house! And Kian is one lucky little gangsta!
Annie's parents are in town and living with us, and the first thing that I have to say about that is.... VACATION! Yeah, they take up so much of the load of taking care of Kian that it really feels like a vacation. The next things that I have to say are how fortunate we are to have them come stay with us, and that they are laid back enough to share our already tiny space with us.
Grandpa Francis was in town with us for just a week, and Grandma will be with us for another 3 weeks. Hurray! And Aunt Barbara from Ohio is here visiting for a week and will be hanging out in Seattle and the Chiwawa. Par-tay! And we're spending lots of quality time with the other Grandparents and our local relations: these are good times!
Last weekend we went to another Mariners game and got to see them wallop their opponents. Here's a few pics of us relaxing in the sun. We also did the Aquarium the other day and I've got a few pictures to share.
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