Not so much the lazy days as "forced relaxation". Daddy got sick and so everyone had this unfortunate fate forced upon them. Kiki didn't care, meant less time in the Ergo being carted up steep and perilous trails. It DID meant more trailer time behind my and Annie's bikes over relatively tame roads and double-track.
We chillaxed in Golden for the days immediately postceding our Bugaboo adventures while I recovered: my body was producing prodigious amounts of snot, so it was best to be out of doors where I could farmer-blow and not have to waste the 3-4 rolls of toilet paper that it was going to take. On our way towards Revelstoke BC we had a glorious night in an amazing parking lot, we had it all to ourselves, and the next morning we bagged an alpine ridge that overlooked nearly the whole of Glacier National Park. Well, if your geography is telling you that something is not adding up then your correctamundo: not the GNP of Northwestern Montana in the US of A, but the GNP of Southcentral British Columbia in the Can Ad of A. Both are amazing spots but the glaciers north of border are going to outlast those of their southern parks namesake. Marlin says that ALL the glaciers in our Glacier National Park are expected to be gone by something like 2020. Sad thing, that.
Here's some pics from that hike. Sorry no commentary on these now... currently in Vernon, en route to climbing at Skaha. Gotta getta shake on.
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