Friday, May 28, 2010

A Smokin Jacket

We received a care package in the mail yesterday from Clarington, Ohio that had some old-time goodies for Kian: more Uncle Wiggily books, Where the Sidewalk Ends, and other classic books that were mine or my Cousins, maybe even my Uncles, so the tradition continues; he got a couple snazzy size 2T onesies, some white patent leather shoes that fit perfect, and one smoking cool jacket. Thanks, Aunt Barbara!

Okay, Kian, lets try pretending you're...
how about Bill Murray at the Oscars.

Not bad, not bad... the doofy look.

Oh yeah, martini glass pose... like it!

"Har har har"... yep, always the clown.

"Don't push, ladies, there's plenty of me to go around".

The kid's got skillz.

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