Speaking of fall, did we tell you about Kian's big crash? I think so, so instead of rambling I will leave this as a photo essay for now but will fill in my own tumultuous feelings later if if I haven't already done so just in case I didn't tell you how heart wrenching an experience it was for me probably because I feel negligent for not watching him during that moment he most needed me and because it wasn't me in pain and being able to blame someone else and hopefully because this is the first time I had to drive him to the hospital on my lap as he screamed and bled but then he realized that he was on my lap behind the wheel again just like in Mexico so he stopped crying and grabbed the wheel like when we were in Mexico almost a quarter of his life ago which reminds me that I did this very thing to my own parents and that life comes full circle. Oh shit!
but its post-hotdog, so all is well. And still on pain killers.
Did I talk about our ER visit yet? Just in case I didn't, Kian was a champ, although he freaked like Donkey Kong. They checked us in quickly and gave us our own gurney, and the only place he felt safe was laying on my chest which was ironic because I was the one that did this to him. Things quickly came to a crawl. A nurse would come in to take some vital sign and then leave. A half hour later a different nurse would come in for something else. This went on, and time ta... ick... t. The doctor came eventually and she was great, and issued the decree that Kian needed a CT scan to make sure he didn't have a concussion. This wasn't easy because he wasn't about to be run through that dark Matrix looking tunnel alone in that crazy place, so the only way to make it happen was to... drug him. They squeezed this evil concoction up his nose and he went nuts, but 20-mins later, just as prescribed, he started smiling and giggling and carrying-on. It was really cute, but it worked because he let me feed him right into the belly of that scary beast of a machine. All good, no concussion, and they released him on his own recognizance although they wouldn't let him drive this time. Seriously, he wanted behind the wheel again and still does to this very day and that was about 3-4 weeks ago.
The scratch under his nose is being persistent and we're worried about scarring, rubbing in Vitamin E and scar cream to make it go away. The problem was that he had an ugly scab under his nose that was healing fine, but a wonderfully intentioned man cleaned what he thought was food from Kian's lip and inadvertently scraped the scab off. Not good, its looking like a scar but it will hopefully go away with time. All things do.
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