What's been going on? Just the usual, I guess, although if I were pressed to define the past two weeks I'd say there has definitely been a lot less of winter going on. We took almost two-weeks off from the snow, as a fam, in large part because of the wet warm weather we've been expewiencing. Although as usual, if you're not from around here you might not understand that the weather charts aren't really all that accurate. Just cause the symbol over Seattle shows a big cloud with raindrops doesn't mean its always raining, in fact, around here 80% chance of rain really means a 20% chance that it won't be raining. We like those odds this time of year. Case in point, the past two weeks. I got back on the bike that first weekend of no-go to the snow and I hardly got wet. I've done tons of city commuting and a couple big rides and have merely been splashed, and there's been a fair bit of the sunshiny stuff too.

But this coming weekend will show a return to the white stuff as we're headed to the Chiwawa. We'll host for a day or two at the nordic center and I might even do a bit of cross-country racing in Leavenworth at the Bavarian Cup. I've already skipped a couple of ski races, and with only a handful on the Northwest calendar if I plan to race any I'd better hop to it. Here's a quick clip of me yesterday at Hyak: I dropped Kian off in Snoqualmie, a real win-win for all: Kian gets to hang with his Aunt-Uncle-Cousins, they get to play with him, and I get to ski unencumbered sans the ski trailer. And a good thing yesterday because the snow was slow and I took the 12-km climb to the nordic system via the Catherine Loop trail... up up up.
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