Sunday, March 6, 2011

Winter's Back

After about 6 weeks of winter drought La Nina returned and brought winter back in a big way. Almost too big a way. Stevens Pass had 3 feet of fresh snow in the days before we arrived on Friday and so the tracks were all a little soft, but no one was complaining. It was a perfect day out there with few skiers and so fresh corduroy could be had all day long. I'm still not back to perfect health and so I just got out for a short, easy 45 minute kick. But it was beautiful out there and I enjoyed it all a bit more going slow and taking a little less for granted how important my good health is to me: even taking it slow is more than many people are able to experience. But damn, I miss being at 100%.

The wind in the face, the snow in the teeth...

Kian had an awesome weekend of skiing and made some great gains. He spent nearly 2-hours straight with the skis on instead his usual 15-minute stints. He wanted more and we had to pry him off his 100-yard section of track to get him to come inside and eat. Some more pics coming soon.

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