Boohoo Naomi, see you back next year!
It's a sad morning here at the house. Kian and I are moping around wondering how it got so quiet, but our guests have gone and we've got that sinking, lonely feeling that you get when your company departs.
Annie has taken Carol, Al and Naomi to the airport this morning and then she's off all day to work, volunteer, do her thing, and I'm here alone with Kian until I instruct my cycling bootcamp class this evening. No easing back into it: right back into the rat race without the convenience of having Carol at home to watch Kian for a few moments, or just to help take up the slack. Right now, for example, Kian is killing me for constant attention (daddy daddy lookit lookit lookit) and if Oma, Opa and/or cousin Naomi were here I wouldn't be the sole directive.
Oma was with us for... well, I can't find her arrival date on the calendar, and I'm not even sure what month she arrived in, June or July, but it felt like forever but only because its just so natural and easy when she's around that its like she's been here all along -- it just comes so easily. It wasn't nearly long enough though, and we're jealous of Naomi who gets to live with Oma and Opa for a big portion of her time down in Flagstaff. And now that she's gone there is a huge hole around here and there is absolutely no cushion, not even a little space between Kian and being on-call right NOW. I could go on and on about how the American child-rearing ways are dysfunctional compared with old-school and 3rd world big family style, but I think I do that every year after Oma leaves, so I'll spare you that this year.
But, MY parents and Aunt Barbara are still in town and so we're not completely left grandparentless. There will be more trips out to the Chiwawa this summer to hang out and maybe we'll entice them into the city for a few days now that our spare bedroom has opened up (hint hint).
I've got lots of pics to post with all this family over the past days, weeks, months.