Today Kian had his photo shoot with Novara Bikes (REI) and despite some early cracking signs, he pulled it off and wow-ed us all. It was pretty fun too. Afterwards Kian said he wanted to do
another photo-shoot.

These weren't pics from the official section of the shoot: this was
during Kian's bonus round because he wouldn't give up the bike.
My teammate Chris is one of the main dudes with Novara and a few weeks ago he asked if Kian would be available for a photo shoot. Heck yeah, why not? The timing worked out and this morning we met the crew down at Gas Works Park for the shoot. I started talking about the shoot with Kiki yesterday and he kept telling me he was ready for the shoot. It was more than an hour after we arrived that they began focusing on Kian and during this time he started getting bored with the brand new, not yet to be released Novara Zipper balance bike, and he started getting his mid-morning fussy on. Uh oh. When things were finally set-up and Kian was called over there was quite a little group gathered and Kian, being a little intimidated by the attention, threw down his bike and stormed off. Literally, he ran off the set and I had to give chase. He then made his demands for more pay, his
own dressing room next time, and red sliced apples instead of green sliced apples for his snack tray. The camera man saved the day by snapping some quick shots of daddy trying to ride the pint-sized scoot and by getting Kian to laugh about the instant digital pics on the camera. This simmered him down and the next 60-90 minutes of shooting went great. Kian was fully ON!

He did nearly everything the camera man, Damon, asked of him: come back around for another pass; and another; this time standup, sitdown, raise your legs, look this way, that way, smile more, smile less. The biggest disruption in the shoot was that Kian kept wanting to practice his crash, and almost every other time he made a pass he turned into the grass and tipped over into the crash. This got big laughs from everyone every time. Look out, a ham is born!
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