I like fall although its not as in-your-face over here in Seattle as it is on the east side of mountains. The shorter and generally wetter days I don't like, but today was the kind of day in Seattle that can ease you into the idea the winter is on the way. The sky was deep blue, the sun was bright although warmth distant, but the cool crisp air felt great and made you look forward to all the hearty pumpkin products... pumpkin lattes, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin ales.
The three of us started our day together by hitting the u-district farmers market after breakfast, then Kian and I set off from there on our own for a day of adventuring via the bicycles. I pulled the chariot but once we reached Woodland Park Kian mounted his Scoot. We parked the bikes outside and spent a couple hours trekking around the zoo, awesome day for it. Then we headed to Greenlake on our way home and spent a couple hours playing and riding around the lake.
we found these very cool shrooms to photograph.
Parting Shot:
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