We were planning to head up to JBRJ's for the usual Snoqualmie Halloween trick or treat fest but a late start and word of bad traffic had us changing the plans. Instead, I hooked the chariot up to a bike, bundled up the kiddo underneath his dinosaur costume, and we hit the road towards Greenlake all lit up with flashy lights. We weren't sneaking up on anyone. Before we left I threw on my big black afro wig, a wolf mask, hairy hands and feet and so I was a wolfman pulling a small reptile. The streets were quiet all the way to Greenlake, we only came across a couple tricker-treaters. We stopped at just one house en route because we couldn't pass this one up, it was awesome, and Kian needed to get his shtick together before we hit some good neighborhoods.

Greenlake was dead. We rolled along a few blocks and I was second-guessing my plan and bummed for the little guy because he was missing out on his rightful privilege of a night of Halloweening. I turned off the main drag and just one block away we hit the jackpot: a big neighborhood with a thriving Halloween spirit and kids all over the place. We parked the rig and hit the first dozen houses on foot before double-backing and moving the bike to a new spot. In an hour he almost filled a small bucket since most of the people told him to take 2 or 3 pieces. A couple times he asked if he could take a piece for his daddy, pretty cute.
This morning I took what would have been a months worth of sugar-highs to the office with me and by the end of the day it was all gone. I feel a little bad, but Halloween isn't just about the candy. In about 3-5 years it may be just about the candy, but right now its still out-of-sight-out-of-mind, a convenient thing for us when a little sugar goes a bad, bad way.
The picture I'm thinking of would have been priceless. Here's a couple from the Flip that I managed to capture once I got the battery charged but after the authentic moments were lost forever.

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