Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Precious Few

 There was a lot of football going on around here a few weeks back.  The Seahawks were on a roll!
We don't have TV so we hit up a neighborhood coffee shop for a few of the games and Kian was afraid to show his teams colors.  Its easy when you're rooting for the home team. 

 I have a depressing few number of good photos from the past few weeks.... here's Kian
about to launch at our favorite sled hill at Kahler Glen. 

Lets Talk About Snow First

 ... and skiing.  Well, from the looks of it I haven't really been doing a whole ton of it, but from the looks of it I have been cherry picking my days because all you're seeing is bluebird days.  You're right and right.  I haven't done a ton of skiing, welcome to city living, but I'm now into my third week of nordic and I am working on a couple mid-week skis and I'm just coming off a back-to-back-to-back weekend of amazing days.  Finally I'm starting to feel my ski-legs coming around and its feeling great.  When the weather is this nice you just can't complain.  Its been one of those clear-cold streaks that I love so much, but right now, as I speak, the clouds are building as a powerful low moves into the area which raises temps as well as prospects of rain.  Of course rain should equal snow so I can't much complain-- its about time for a new layer of good stuff before the next cold snap sets in!  **cross cross**

Above is the only pic I have of myself on that amazing day up at Snoqualmie Pass/Hyak. 
And below is Heffe working his way back after a great session out.

But the following pics are all from a the great weekend that we just spent 
up on the Chiwawa.  This is many miles into my first Snopark ski of the season: the road to Trinity.

 My favorite part: where the pavement ends and the road narrows.

 You can't see it nor probably appreciate it, but that's wall to wall untouched corduroy!

 Frozen whiskers.

 Prepping for the next day out!

And let me tell you, we have zero pics to prove it but the next day was one of 
the best 20km skis ever.... okay, bold, but its right up there!  Sorry, can't tell you details, 
you might have to learn to read Strava.

This coming weekend will be either a trip to the Methow or back to Chiwawa/Leavenworth.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Cute Vid From Almost 1-Year Ago

Iti Food

Okay, one cute video and one just plain silly 
video, both from about 1-year ago. 

Iti Sing

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Videos From Flagstaff Plus Another Classic

 Heading Home.  Kian's only chewed gum a few times, 
and here he is giving this piece a workout.
 New Years Eve, Flagstaff Pinecone Drop, 2013!
  Spin the weasel (below).

More Tucson.

Tucson to Flagstaff. Arizona.


 The Lionel.  Polar Express Edition.  You might call this self-gifting.

 Waaaaay too much TV time.

 The new track suit.  And Felix the cat, below.

 Hanging out at Uncle Alan's off-the-grid home.  Super cozy.

Snowman sucker ring.