Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ode to Oma

Walk with Grandma

I like to walk with Grandma, she takes small steps like mine. She never says "let's hurry-up! she always takes her time. I like to walk with Grandma, her eyes see things like mine. Shiny stones, a fluffy cloud, stars at night that shine. People rush their whole day through, they rarely stop to see. I'm glad that God made Grandmas unrushed and young like me!
Author: unknown

Walking with Oma.

Summer time is always Oma-time!

One year Kian wanted to watch Oma's plane leave us as she flew home at the end of the summer. We parked at the end of the runway and watched the planes fly over. Our house was always so sad after she left us at the end of every summer. That's just how we feel.

Silent Tear.

Each night we shed a silent tear,
As we speak to you in prayer.
To let you know we love you,
And just how much we care.
Take our million teardrops,
Wrap them up in love,
Then ask the wind to carry them,
To you in heaven above.

We love you, Oma... you are forever in our hearts!

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Santa in Every Mall

In his '011 Christmas sweater.

Just prior to Annie and Kian's departure in early December for Arizona, we got together with Santa Claus and the Lutz clan for our annual photo session. Sure glad Santa was able to get to that mall on such short notice. Anyway, had a great time and it didn't hurt that we opened the session with a whopping meal at a mexican joint: cheese slathered yuminess.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daycare Pics

Here are a couple pics taken by Kian's daycare teacher, Fiel.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dino Mean on Halloween

Five of 6 cameras went out on us on Halloween, spooky, but the 6th camera was just a phone. There were some Kodak moments out there for sure. During the first such moment, when I pulled out Annie's Nikon and readied myself for the shot, not one electrical impulse fired. Batts dead. Bummer... that moment is gone forever and those pixels will never grace this blog in the form of a picture image, but I could try to paint the scene right here in words? Well, it was a dark cold night... really, it was, probably in the low 40's.

We were planning to head up to JBRJ's for the usual Snoqualmie Halloween trick or treat fest but a late start and word of bad traffic had us changing the plans. Instead, I hooked the chariot up to a bike, bundled up the kiddo underneath his dinosaur costume, and we hit the road towards Greenlake all lit up with flashy lights. We weren't sneaking up on anyone. Before we left I threw on my big black afro wig, a wolf mask, hairy hands and feet and so I was a wolfman pulling a small reptile. The streets were quiet all the way to Greenlake, we only came across a couple tricker-treaters. We stopped at just one house en route because we couldn't pass this one up, it was awesome, and Kian needed to get his shtick together before we hit some good neighborhoods.

Greenlake was dead. We rolled along a few blocks and I was second-guessing my plan and bummed for the little guy because he was missing out on his rightful privilege of a night of Halloweening. I turned off the main drag and just one block away we hit the jackpot: a big neighborhood with a thriving Halloween spirit and kids all over the place. We parked the rig and hit the first dozen houses on foot before double-backing and moving the bike to a new spot. In an hour he almost filled a small bucket since most of the people told him to take 2 or 3 pieces. A couple times he asked if he could take a piece for his daddy, pretty cute.

This morning I took what would have been a months worth of sugar-highs to the office with me and by the end of the day it was all gone. I feel a little bad, but Halloween isn't just about the candy. In about 3-5 years it may be just about the candy, but right now its still out-of-sight-out-of-mind, a convenient thing for us when a little sugar goes a bad, bad way.

The picture I'm thinking of would have been priceless. Here's a couple from the Flip that I managed to capture once I got the battery charged but after the authentic moments were lost forever.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

For Real This Time

Many months ago I reported that Kian used the potty for the first time. I figured that this was a monumental moment and that it was the beginning of the end for diapers, but it turned out to be a false alarm. We burned through hundreds of diapers since that day and everytime we had to pickup another pack of them it seemed to hurt just a little more than usual. It seemed almost like it was a "been there, done that" moment and he just wasn't interested. I tried pleading with his rational side every so often: less mess, less bother, less time, less cost for daddy, but he didn't seem to care. Then one day about a month ago he was sporting his big boy undies under his pants and he pleaded with us to put a diaper on so that he could poop... are you kidding me!? We actually did that a few times prior but I finally put my foot down. He was dancing around on his toes saying "hurry daddy, hurry daddy, put me in a diaper" and I knew then that I had him where I wanted him. "Kian, sit on the potty and I'll give you some ice cream". That was the hook that I was looking for. He's been awesome ever since and only wears diapers now when he's sleeping or on longish road trips. Whew, finally off the diaper!

Kian has lots of funny and cute turns of phrase that I always hope to document before he outgrows them. They sometimes don't last more than a few days and before I commit them to memory he's done with em. Today before dinner we were eating some cheese and crackers and I presented Kian with some brie and he says, so sure of himself, "I don't like brie, but when I'm older I will like brie!". Well, at least he's not to the "yuck" phase yet.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Doubled Up

Kian raced while I cheered, then I raced and Kian cheered. We teamed up and did the double. Here's Kiki!

Not much mud but plenty of water.

I believe that it takes a village to properly raise a kid, and how many times in the few years have I re-realized how important this is and how little the "village" is in this country -- its a concept more practiced in the developing world, something they have up on us. But at a bike race with Kian I HAVE a village, and it helps that I joined a team as crazy and diverse as the village people. It turns out they do a pretty mean job of baby watching-entertaining the baby.

Mommy had to study so we called it a father-son outing and hit the races. Didn't get there late but as usual, scrambling from the time I arrive to get the bikes in order (wheels situated, tire pressure right, derailleur re-tuned), register and then pin-up, then get Kian registered and find the kiddy course for the Kiddy Race, then find someone to watch the kiddy while I get ready to race and then race... Its absolutely crazy to say the least, and the whole time I'm bumping into friends who want to gab and so its non-stop from the word lets go. After the race its the same thing in reverse, although now I've got Kian and have to feed him and change him while I clean myself and the bikes up, feed and change myself, and get to the sidelines with a beer so I can cheer and heckle my teammates and friends.

Kian's race in two parts, above and then below.

After the race Kiki shared race reports with Avi.

Bonus track:
A demonstration video featuring the cyclocross dismount and remount.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Free Fallin'

We're free and clear into fall, that's for sure. And I have finally given up on summer and resigned myself to another fall and winter. World Championships of cycling are over, baseball playoffs are here, cyclocross is more than a month into it, and now that the leaves have been coming down for over a month I have to give in and embrace the season.

I like fall although its not as in-your-face over here in Seattle as it is on the east side of mountains. The shorter and generally wetter days I don't like, but today was the kind of day in Seattle that can ease you into the idea the winter is on the way. The sky was deep blue, the sun was bright although warmth distant, but the cool crisp air felt great and made you look forward to all the hearty pumpkin products... pumpkin lattes, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin ales.

The three of us started our day together by hitting the u-district farmers market after breakfast, then Kian and I set off from there on our own for a day of adventuring via the bicycles. I pulled the chariot but once we reached Woodland Park Kian mounted his Scoot. We parked the bikes outside and spent a couple hours trekking around the zoo, awesome day for it. Then we headed to Greenlake on our way home and spent a couple hours playing and riding around the lake.

We parked our bikes here and headed into the Farmers Market.

And along with the double baked chocolate almond croisants,
we found these very cool shrooms to photograph.

At the Zoo:

Lots of monkeying around.

Enough of this monkey business, let's get down to bikey busy-ness.

Parting Shot:

A day at the races: A couple weeks ago just prior to my race at Starcrossed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

En Garde: A Blast From the Past

I just found this gem and felt like a repost: Kiki Scissorhands.

Taken May 2010 when Kian was 1year 9months.

Delicious Summer

Umm umm yuck.
Whats your take on oysters: yum or yuck?

Our last trip of the summer to the cabin this year was a near perfect weekend: the weather was perfect, the food was amazing, we made ice cream, I buzzed Kian around on the motorcycle every day, we swam, and there was lots of hang out time. But can't believe how fast this summer went.

Kian ate at his own table this weekend.

Our ever gracious hosts and purveyors of the best Manhattans.
This side of the Chiwawa River, anyway.

Ice Cream time!

Kian Screams for Ice Cream!

Parting Shot:

Bocce Balls!