Monday, October 10, 2011

Doubled Up

Kian raced while I cheered, then I raced and Kian cheered. We teamed up and did the double. Here's Kiki!

Not much mud but plenty of water.

I believe that it takes a village to properly raise a kid, and how many times in the few years have I re-realized how important this is and how little the "village" is in this country -- its a concept more practiced in the developing world, something they have up on us. But at a bike race with Kian I HAVE a village, and it helps that I joined a team as crazy and diverse as the village people. It turns out they do a pretty mean job of baby watching-entertaining the baby.

Mommy had to study so we called it a father-son outing and hit the races. Didn't get there late but as usual, scrambling from the time I arrive to get the bikes in order (wheels situated, tire pressure right, derailleur re-tuned), register and then pin-up, then get Kian registered and find the kiddy course for the Kiddy Race, then find someone to watch the kiddy while I get ready to race and then race... Its absolutely crazy to say the least, and the whole time I'm bumping into friends who want to gab and so its non-stop from the word lets go. After the race its the same thing in reverse, although now I've got Kian and have to feed him and change him while I clean myself and the bikes up, feed and change myself, and get to the sidelines with a beer so I can cheer and heckle my teammates and friends.

Kian's race in two parts, above and then below.

After the race Kiki shared race reports with Avi.

Bonus track:
A demonstration video featuring the cyclocross dismount and remount.

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