Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Back To Standby

Annie said we'd had complaints about our "new" look so we're back to our former format with just some color changes. For those of you who didn't sign on for those 12 hours then it'll teach you to come back again and again even when we haven't posted in over a month.

Its been about six weeks! This is the longest we've gone without posting since our inception. Kian's inception. I'm turning over a new leaf! (How many times have you heard that before.) Well anyway, I'm taking you back to those long overdue pics that were taken in August and September but have been neglected their 15 minutes of fame.

Well this is embarrassing. Unfortunately I've had a technical issue: Blogger has changed some of the functions and their photo uploading is impossible right now. Lets hope that this is a temporary glitch and not the norm. Those pics are coming soon so stay tuned! Hopefully this doesn't turn into another 6-week hiatus.

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