Sunday, January 11, 2009

Daddy's Deathbed Sick

I caught the flu last week and nobody was surprised but me. Apparently everyone thinks I should be sick all of the time, as though my lifestyle were so fast and furious that I should naturally be either sick or in bed recovering. Friends of mine think this. My own mom said something near to this recently to Annie. Thanks people: if you'd have told me that you saw it coming I might have skied one fewer k or drank one less beer.

Well, the holidays were pretty on-the-go intensive. Get this: from December 20th until my return to work date on Monday the 5th I only worked 2-1/2 days because of holidays, vacations days, and free snow days, and now including the past week of sickness I can add 4-hours of work to an additional 7-days off.

Saturday Annie cooked up a whole hog breakfast and Kian got to ride shotgun. Here he's wearing dual oven-mits on his hands.

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