Sunday, November 1, 2009

Prepare for Blast Off, Space Monkey

Our Halloween hosts: Falcon, the Balloon Boy, and...
Foxxy Cleopatra?

We were invited to the annual Snoqualmie Ridge Halloween potluck in the Lutz's garage, the place to be when its raining and the kids are out begging for treats. The adults hung around the ping-pong table and the bonfire and gorged ourselves on amazing food, some of it marginally less bad for you than the high fructose corn syrup candy the kids were eating: mmmmm, cheese dip mixed with another kind of cheese and sprinkled with a different cheese... you dip it with cheese mmmmm. Good times!

Okay, let this trick-or-treating thing commence.
I've got 8 teeth now, let's give them hell.

What it looks like when the sugar buzz wears off.

The Chicken Hawk giving Kian a taste for Halloween.

Commander Kiki showing Captain Ducky who's the boss.

***A Dramatization Only: No candy was actually eaten by Kian on this entire night (as far as his mommy knows).

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