Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Spring Sprung Changes

Kian started daycare last week for the first time (pics coming). We just signed a lease on a place over on Capitol Hill so we'll be leaving here at the end of the month (pics coming). Annie has her last round of exams coming up and then she'll be starting in the nursing program next month (these pics would be awfully boring). Summer is coming!

Well, we hope its coming, so far Spring comes and it goes like daddies fitness on the bike. We'll have a day or two of Summer stuff and then Winter re-emerges and the mountains get a dumping. Kind of like today: right now its sunny out and its so green and beautiful around here these days (our viney weeds out back literally grow a foot each day, I have to beat them back to get at my car), but this afternoon and most of the week its supposed to be cloudy and wet.

Yesterday Kian and I left for daycare early enough that we could hit the aquarium for more than an hour. These days thats about all takes to see everything, especially when its not so busy down there: the petting tanks, the jellyfish, and sea mammals are best.

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