Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Cut

Kian's bronzed buddies.

I think it was shaping up to be a big lazy rainy Saturday in October, but after a big lazy rainy day breakfast we decided to rally and get out for some fun. We started at the zoo where we caught most of Kian's favorite attactions: elephants, orangutangs, all kinds of monkeys, the meerkats hippos penguins and giraffes. Then on the way home I offered to pay for Kian's first haircut if they'd let me (but I had to counter-offer to pay for cupcakes at Trophy too)-- he's hair was getting unruly and at 2 Kian decided that he was ready for a new look, an image changer.

Monkeyin' around!

Pick out a chair: Kian chose the boat, but
hmmm... that tractor looks nice too.

Pick out a toy: yep, a train.

A couple squirts, a couple clips, no problem...

Then all of a sudden...

Icing on the cupcake: helped Kian to deal with the loss
of his locks. Helped mommy deal too.

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