Friday, April 22, 2011

Waaaaaay Tooooooo Long

It's been a MONTH since we posted. Woooops! Excuses? Yeah, I've got plenty so get comfortable. The first one is that I have created some posts but I haven't posted them yet, they are saved for further editing and photo adding.

In case anyone is interested, a blurb about the GET program, the education credits program that we started for Kian. He's got over 100 credits already and if anyone wants to add more, best to do so by April 30th to get the current, lower prices.

Nextly, our excuse is that Annie and I are both simultaneously at work... imagine that! For the past 3-years its been one or the other, a sort of magical thing, actually, considering that Kian is 2-1/2 and so we've had the luxury of more time around the little man. Reality has struck us though and we are both enjoying our respective grinds. Annie is at Virginia-Mason Hospital doing a nursing thing.

Here we go again... no time to finish this post but instead of saving for later I'm hitting publish now. Tomorrow would mark more than a month without a post and we just can't have that.

Luvvies from all of us here!

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