Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Betweener Times

Snowpatch Spire in the round.

Usually it seems that travel time flies, but the past two weeks crept along, it felt like we were gone for months. This is a good thing and it probably means that we didn't try to do too much, which is unusual. We followed our whims along the way but had to balance the adrenaline-action activities with the hang out with Kian activities: like yin/yang there existed adventure/structure. Kian seemed to love it all, and as usual he rolled with the punches. We realized that other than the 4-hours that he spent sleeping in his crib after Annie's California trip that it had been 3-weeks since he'd spent any quality time at home. We wondered if he'd remember his life at home and his burgeoning collection of toys. The verdict: seems to be happy wherever he's at.

Riding shotgun in the baby seat.

Roger's Pass on Highway 1 in the middle
of Canada's Glacier National Park.

Here's a couple 3-D pictures (in 2-D) from the Bugaboos:

Same pics with different shutter speeds: which do you prefer?

Mardude, come on out and huck!

Could we get on with this gawking at Daddy's
nasty toe and start some huckin, please!

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