Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Daily Wire

As Kian goes from baby to big boy, our Baby Cakes website also needs to do some growing if its going to survive. The changes to Kian are coming quite so fast and furious and often they are not as obvious, or more likely they are just not quite as cute as they used to be, and so my posting to the site hasn't been as regular. I keep making resolutions about more posting, more posting, but until I make that lifestyle change its really hard to make it happen. More posting, more posting... but instead of this thing being so Kiki-centric I think I'm going to start making it more family wide and probably, unfortunately, more Dougie based (since most everything is from my perspective anyway). But heck, it might not be long before Kian will be entering his own posts and perspectives to this thing!

I've been intending to revive a couple of my old blogs like Dougnog and A Racer Looks At 40 and Wheelz and What The What!, but its easier and more likely to stick if I put everything under one banner. Kiki updates alongside race reports, Kian vids right next to mommy updates, Bugaboo's latest blurbs next to daddy's recent rants about this or that. At least two things which we will strictly forbid and eschew from these pages: religion and politics. Whew, takes a load off. Too much of that already in our lives elsewhere so consider this a safe haven for building bridges, not burning them, uniting ideas, not dividing them. Whats so funny about peace love and understanding.

5 April, 11am -- Doug @ Work twitter feed.

Spent a record 34 minutes waiting for my bus transfer in the tunnel at International Station. Considering whether I can afford to continue riding the bus when the drive takes 30 mins max even in bad traffic. I love riding the bus, doing my part and walking the walk, but the transfer kills it. Even if I nail it, its still a 50-60 minute deal from door to door. On the bike -- back when I used to be able to ride a bike (another story for those not up-to-date)-- it used to take me less than that and was able to wrap my sanity and my workout and my travels into one neat little package. This part of my life really sucks now, worst thing that is happening to me, and once I get my knee back the joy in my life will blossom many-fold.


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