Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Summer Ride

This first one began at home in Seattle and culminated on the Chiwawa via "the long way", approximately 270-miles in two days.  Normally I could give you exact data but my GPS died just 112 miles in on Cayuse Pass.  I took a couple days off of work, had to do it.  Brought along arm-warmers, a wind jacket, a head lamp, and a credit card, and each of these items came in extremely handy.  The warm wear and light were instrumental in saving my ass when I ran out of light on Chinook Pass and descended 20-30 miles in the dark, and the credit card on numerous occasions.  Cheap hotel, cheap food. 

 Salmon run. Or, salmon kill. 
 Nice to ride away from traffic, and dirt was even better.
 Second or third of many junkfood stops.  Top Pot in Seattle was #1.

 Last of the pics before I ran out of light on day 1.
 Next day there was plenty of light and heat.  90+ in September. 
And when I hit the smoke from the big central WA fires, I hitch-hiked.  Thumbed from 
Ellensburg cut-off to the Big-Y, but rode all but 6-miles of the rest.  Made it to the cabin just before dark!  Showered and cooked up a quick meal before bringing the Suzuki back home.

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