Monday, June 29, 2009

Camp Cookie

YOU should see these two pics in 3-D. Buy the
eyewear and then visit my "stereo" site at Smugmug.

Our little San Juan Island camping trip came right at the end of some "weather" but we mostly lucked out. We started off our trip heading up to Uncle Alan and Aunt Rachel's place in Bellingham where we BBQ'd some dead fish with some of our Hamster friends before heading out to the islands. Our primer-ride was a half day outing on the Bellingham trail system out to Fairhaven where we had a couple mid-afternoon beers before heading to Anacortes where we'd leave the RV during our Archipelago hopping.

We caught a morning ferry out to Friday Harbor but our first stop was on the way to the campground at the San Juan Winery. There, Kian was mauled by a kitty cat and daddy completely freaked out. Kian was cool with it, although he's become more of a dog man now.

The fuzzy soft kitty lured us in: it came up to us while we played on the lawn all purring and cute and gentle. Kian loves animals and was so happy to pet the kitty. I sat there petting the fuzziness too and remarked at how gentle Kian was being with the cat. The cat came back for a 3rd petting and as Kian gently stroked the kitty it rolled over as if playing, but actually it was scratching -- in a fraction of a second it made several quick swipes before i could grab it to fling it away. Kian went down and blood trickled down from several of the scratches. My first thought was that it had got his eye, but we lucked out. He cried for maybe 15-seconds and then was fine.

Above is campsite #1 on San Juan Island where it was only a short walk to Duck Soup, Daddy's favorite restaurant ever from his bike tour guiding days. Daddy skimped on the accommodations so that he could gorge himself, and gorge he and mommy did. They dropped bookoo dinero.

Below is our 2nd campsite on Orcas Island where daddy super-skimped. We camped for free at the Orcas Airport and then ate Mexican.

If you don't like my cookie,
then there's too many cookie in the kitchen.

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